I am reading The Language of Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs for the second time, this time with my husband.
To be honest, I almost did not choose this book to review. When I first saw it my initial response was that I had read lots of books on marriage and that this one wasn't likely to be different. But, it turns out I was very wrong.
This book, that I do highly recommend, makes perfect sense, and the author gets his conclusions about men and women straight from the Bible. The basis of Dr. Eggerich's book is that women crave mostly love, while men crave mostly respect. These different needs color how men and women see the world. He tells of how men see in blue and women see in pink. He teaches men and women how to decode one anther and live as peaceably as possible, recognizing each others differences as not wrong but as strengths that the other can draw upon at times.
Dr. Eggerich teaches readers about the various cycles that married couples find themselves on, how those cycles are fed, and how to spend most of the time on the right ones. He is very candid about how couples can naturally fall into bad communication, and how to safegaurd against it. I especially liked how he honestly shared teachable moments from his relationship with his wife to help the reader along and reassure that even he and his wife still have their moments of miscommunication.
All in all, I think that The Language of Love and Respect is a very useful book. I recommend all adults to read it. It will really open your eyes to a lot of things and cause you to be more understanding and compassionate, and hopefully more Christ-like.
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