About a week ago we went to visit Freedom and her daughter, Jaylin. Billy calls Jaylin the Grandbaby, hence the title. :o) We had a nice time. We drove about two hours to Danville, Va. We gave them their Easter baskets, gave Jaylin presents for her 1st birthday- which was Feb. 16th, and took them out to eat at a neat Mexican restaurant that had cool statues of Mexicans in sombreros and a nice outdoor eating area. Here are some pics from our visit. I have a new camera and will figure out how to get the date off before I take more pics. The date is currently about 2 years off! lol
Jalyin opening her Easter basket:
Playing with one of her birthday toys:
Zoom, zoom! :
Eating something yummy:
I love this pic! :o) :
Look Mom, I found your lip balm! :
Fun day!
She is oh so adorable!! =D