Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Snow Fun!

It has snowed a couple of times already this year. About a month ago, we had a snow that was about a foot deep. It was on the weekend, so my  husband was home. My two nieces who live just down the street came and spent the night and we went sledding the next day. We did our sledding at a school within walking distance of where we live.  My parents even did some sledding. :o) Here are our snow adventures in pictures. I can't take credit for taking any of them- my mom took most and my daughter took one.

We had a very nice hill as you can see! Here I am with the wind in my hair. :o)

And I'm at the bottom- with an adrenaline rush no doubt. :o)

Love this pic of my dad!

And my Sunshine. :o)

Here's Shauna on the way down....

Coming in for a landing!

Trinity is all smiles.

I look on as the girls (and my husband!) make snow angels after sledding. 

My Pretty Girl standing in our backyard on the way to the house. (She made a slight detour to say hello to the dogs.)

Here's a snow woman Shauna and Trinity made, complete with a Hannah Montana wig!

Mom made this lovely snowman on the column on our front porch.
And mom brought the snow in the next day for Jasmine to make this lovely little guy as well!

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