Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Some neat websites I came across today

These are some neat websites that  I came across today: - Basically, it's a search engine for online boards. It is most helpful when looking for information online about a subject. On my first search I found a natural doctor talking about something I had been looking for the answer to on regular search engines. This is definitely one to try. - Because how cool would it be to work in a Christian environment? - Seems like a very helpful website. I also use - This site reviews popular media from a Christian perspective. I will try this site. Currently I am using . - In the words of this site "sermon, illustration, and leadership resources for church pastors." And I say, since we are all called to preach the gospel, it is a good site for the rest of us too! :o)

Last but not least, this article titled "What young love should know about old love" - Highly recommended.
Leave a comment below and share some of your favorite websites. I'd love to visit them! God bless.

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